About Us

Business Process Outsourcing is a great way to improve productivity and cut down costs. 

We make this process 100% transparent and simple.

What we do

RemoStaff is a leading Australian outsourcing specialist for online businesses.

We resolve business challenges by providing offshore staff for leasing to ensure the success of our partners’ daily operations.

We help businesses lower operational costs with regard for quality by working with consultants in low labor cost jurisdictions like the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, India.

Outsourcing can be a gamble and we remove the risk by providing highly skilled and educated consultants and deliver quality labour solutions on time and well below the equivalent cost of hiring locally.

RemoStaff doesn’t have large scale offices

We specialise in the establishment of remote employees in a work from home set up.

The “war for talent” is real. And often, you can’t hire the top performers you need as full-time permanent employees. Let RemoStaff provide your pre-identified candidates as our consultants.

We provide a risk-free environment to offer industry-leading benefits, which helps you stand out to the very best Talent, so you can attract and retain exactly who you need.

The global pandemic has accelerated the shift to remote work as many businesses give teams the freedom and space to choose where they work from, ensuring safety while also improving quality of life and operational costs.

Without the need for employees to have a physical office presence, it has opened the opportunity to work with a Talent from anywhere in the world.

We provide solutions to both large and small companies.  Our consultants can provide customer support, direct marketing, social media marketing, graphic design, and more. We provide services that exceed expectations and bring value to your business.

Why choose RemoStaff?

  Fixed Management Fee

   There are no extra hidden costs or surprises, so your cash-flow can be easily                   managed.

  • Proven Work Hours 
  • Your remote contractors will be required to log in to the RemoStaff system. We use our tracking system to monitor the performance of your staff by capture screens during work time to ensure our workers get started on time and performed their everyday tasks.
    This platform enables 100% transparency by logging all your Filipino staff’s working hours, so you can have peace of mind that you will only be paying for proven work hours.

  • No upfront recruitment fees

    You pay one monthly fee.

  • No setup costs
  • No Work, No Pay Policy
    You will only be charged for your RemoStaff logged worked hours. Unused hours will be credited back to you.

  • No-risk Policy
  • If you are unhappy with the services for any reason, you can terminate RemoStaff in the first week, and we will give you a full refund.

  • Stable working conditions.
  • We’ve got arrangements to suit all your long-term staffing needs. The only arrangement we don’t currently accommodate is short-term, project-based work as we want to offer our remote workers more stable working conditions.

No Setup Costs

No Upfront Recruitment Fees

No Hidden Extras

Pay One Monthly Fee

Finally, we desire long term partnerships with our clients, so we’re committed to ensuring you get the best talent at the best price with the best support framework. Because at the end of the day, we grow as you grow