Modern Slavery

RemoStaff – Modern Slavery and Contractor Wellbeing Statement

RemoStaff is a leading Australian outsourcing specialist for online businesses. We resolve business challenges by providing offshore staff for leasing to ensure the success of our partners’ daily operations.

While we are not required to report under the Modern Slavery Act 2018, we believe that all businesses have a responsibility to respect human rights in their operations and supply chains. It is of the upmost importance to us to ensure that the contractors we engage to assist clients are not subject to any conditions that would constitute modern slavery, and that we have sustainable processes in place to ensure that they are working under appropriate conditions.

RemoStaff goes beyond merely mitigating the risks of serious exploitation, we strive to ensure the ethical and responsible treatment of contractors.

We are committed to the wellbeing of our contractors and to ensuring that they are paid appropriately and have good working conditions. As part of this commitment, we decided to take further steps, and introduced new processes, to ensure that we have a sustainable framework to prevent any risk of modern slavery and safeguard the wellbeing and working conditions of our contractors. In practical terms, this includes the following actions.

Contractor workload:

  • We have systems in place to regularly check daily hours worked by our contractors and send monthly reports to our clients detailing hours worked by each contractor.
  • If hours are exceeding normal working hours, we contact our contractors and clients to ensure that there are legitimate business reasons for the longer hours and that the contractors are happy to do the extra work and are paid accordingly.
  • We do not allow contractors to work more than 3h of overtime per day.

Contractor working conditions and welfare:

  • At RemoStaff we do not to use offices or integrated dormitories where agents may live in inappropriate conditions.
  • Our contractors are working from home and have a more time to be with their kids and family members instead of spending hours in traffic commuting to work.
  • We do not use third party agencies and our contractors do not pay any recruitment fees to get a job.
  • We do virtual check-ins with our contractors to ensure they have safe working conditions.
  • Particular care and more frequent checks are given to new contractors within their first year.
  • We require our clients to speak with contractors on video chat at regular intervals and communicate
    with us if they have concerns around that contractor’s working environment or welfare.

Fair remuneration:

  • We ensure that all of our contractors are paid well above the legal minimum wage, and we check minimum wage requirements to ensure that staff are remunerated fairly.
  • Under our new Services Agreement, our contractors have paid Australian public holidays.
  • On the top of their base salary, they get allowance for Health insurance annual and sick leave and 13th month salary.
  • We encourage our clients provide Christmas bonus schemes for our contractors.

Prevention of exploitation of minors:

  • Our contractors agree contractually not to delegate work so they cannot subcontract to a minor.
  • Before on-boarding a new contractor, we conduct identity checks to ensure the contractor is of

legal working age.

  • As we consider the importance of this, we are also placing an obligation on our clients to notify us if they suspect that anyone other than the contractor might be completing the work.

For more information about our services, please contact or call +61 420 399 698

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