Leading Marketplace
  • Company X’s External Optimization Project has identified two Australian employees performing non-warehouse-related duties. RemoStaff has proposed to take over the functions at a third of the cost, resulting in $100k per year savings.
  • During Covid-19 lockdowns, RemoStaff provided a Senior Accounts Payable officer, resulting in another $50k annual savings.
  • The client subsequently requested RemoStaff’s support in several other areas, including graphic design, fraud prevention, merchant onboarding, data analysis, accounting, and e-commerce coordination.
  • RemoStaff has provided quick and cost-effective solutions, delivered high-quality talent and achieved the client’s business objectives. The outsourcing decision resulted in significant cost savings for Company X, improved efficiency, and increased sales.


Overall, the Client has saved time and money and has achieved more than $1.2Msavings/year

Starting Day Cost/month(Wages + Management+ Requirements), AUD$ Cost/year(Wages + Management+ Requirements), AUD$ Local Base salary, AUD$/year Local Salary + Super + Taxes, AUD$/year Savings AU$ / year Savings, %
Accountant General 1/04/2022 $2,500 $30,000 $120,000 $138,000 $108,000 78%
Account Payable Assitant 1/09/2021 $1,600 $19,200 $75,000 $86,250 $67,050 78%
Account Payable Assitant 1/09/2021 $1,600 $19,200 $75,000 $86,250 $67,050 78%
Account Payable Assitant 1/08/2021 $1,600 $19,200 $75,000 $86,250 $67,050 78%
Account Payable Officer 25/09/2021 $1,400 $16,800 $65,000 $74,750 $57,950 78%
Customer Service 1/09/2021 $1,350 $16,200 $60,000 $69,000 $52,800 77%
Customer Service 1/09/2021 $1,280 $15,360 $60,000 $69,000 $53,640 78%
Customer Service 1/09/2021 $1,280 $15,360 $60,000 $69,000 $53,640 78%
Customer Service 1/10/2021 $1,200 $14,400 $60,000 $69,000 $54,600 79%
Customer Service 1/10/2021 $1,350 $16,200 $60,000 $69,000 $52,800 77%
Data Analyst 7/03/2022 $2,485 $29,850 $85,000 $97,750 $67,930 69%
eCommerce Coordinator 1/05/2022 $1,900 $22,800 $75,000 $86,250 $63,450 74%
eCommerce Coordinator 1/05/2022 $1,900 $22,800 $75,000 $86,250 $63,450 74%
eCommerce Coordinator 1/05/2022 $1,900 $22,800 $75,000 $86,250 $63,450 74%
Fraud Specialist 29/11/2021 $1,650 $19,800 $75,000 $86,250 $66,450 77%
Graphic Designer 5/10/2021 $1,400 $16,800 $75,000 $86,250 $69,450 81%
Seller / Merchant onboarding 1/10/2021 $1,600 $19,200 $65,000 $74,750 $55,550 74%
Seller / Merchant onboarding 1/10/2021 $1,600 $19,200 $65,000 $74,750 $55,550 74%
Seller / Merchant onboarding 1/10/2021 $1,600 $19,200 $65,000 $74,750 $55,550 74%
Total $374,340 $1,569,750 $1,195,410 76%